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The Myth Pilgrim Podcast: Catholicism, Art & Why "Beauty will save the world"

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

I recently had the privilege of being interviewed on the renowned "Myth Pilgrim" podcast by Br Lawrence Yuen MGL (Missionaries of God's Love) in Melbourne, Australia.

It was an honour to be interviewed by him and I felt challenged throughout this thought-provoking interview. I wasn't aware of how passionate I have always been about Catholic art, but have a listen and discover the depth that he drew out of us as a fellow artist.

This podcast is a work of art with its delivery - be sure to check out other episodes too.

What does beauty do to the soul? Why are artists called to be champions of the new evangelisation? In this special episode, I interview Damien Walker, Catholic artist and art restorer, whose message for the church is prophetic!


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